
Welcome to Stroud Christian Fellowship

Our vision is for the communities of Stroud District and beyond to experience the unconditional love of Jesus.

We believe church should be in the community and for the community


What is church?

We believe that church is people, not a building or a Sunday service, so whilst we meet together on Sunday morning, we think church should be about getting actively involved in our communities too

Selsley common2

Faith, Family, Friends, Food and Fun

These 5 F's underpin who we are

Welcome to Stroud Christian Fellowship

Our vision is for the communities of Stroud District and beyond to experience the unconditional love of Jesus.

Find out more
  • This Sunday

    Martyn Woodward
    Father God

  • Diary

    Wednesday 24th July
    7:30pm Prayer on the Hills
    In front of Rodborough Fort on Rodborough Common. Join us as we pray from the ‘High Places’, praying a blessing on, and God’s grace for, Stroud and District; followed by a visit to a local hostelry

    Sunday 28th July
    3:00pm Praise in The Park
    Join with other Churches Together in Stroud at the bandstand in Stratford Park for an afternoon of praise & worship. Bring along a picnic tea too!

    Saturday 17th August
    4:30pm Baptisms
    Come and join us for a fabulous time of celebration – there will be a BBQ and cake!
    Venue TBC

    Wednesday 21st August
    7:30pm Prayer on the Hills
    On the mound at the edge of Selsley Common. Join us as we pray from the ‘High Places’, praying a blessing on, and God’s grace for, Stroud and District; followed by a visit to a local hostelry

    Sunday 25th August
    Please note, there will be NO SCF SUNDAY SERVICE as we will be at Wildfires Festival

    Every Friday
    7:00am – Prayer at The Cross

    Every Sunday
    10:30am – Service at the Salvation Army Citadel, Acre St. Stroud

Finding us

We meet together weekly in person, but you can also hear our talks and the worship music we use by visiting our Talks page, YouTube and Facebook pages. Please click on the links at the bottom of this home page and engage with us in the digital world.

Find us
  • Where

    We meet at the Salvation Army Citadel in Acre Street, Stroud, GL5 1DR
  • When

    We meet each Sunday morning at 10:30am.

Catch up with last week's talk

Sharpening Our Spiritual Senses
Tracy Spiers