Just looking

Just Looking

Ever thought about Jesus? Want to know more about church? Just looking? We can help you!

If you’re new to Stroud Christian Fellowship, you are really welcome. We do a number of things to help you if you are thinking about making this church your own.

Firstly, do come and visit at one of our Sunday Meetings if you haven’t already. If you’re just curious about Jesus and perhaps unfamiliar with the idea of church, you’re in good company. Many people who come to the meetings have never experienced being in a church before. We hope you feel comfortable to come back again and again as you discover more about God and what he means to you.

What do you expect?

Most people don’t expect to find anything in church that they like! Only 1 out of 10 gets regularly involved in church.

Yet 7 out of 10 UK adults say they believe in God, and 4 out of 10 say they pray. So, what’s going on?

Market research shows that church today is often very different from what you expect!
When people actually try coming along to church they say:

  • “Everyone’s so friendly”
  • “A lot better than expected!”
  • “Something completely different… a feeling of togetherness and unconditional acceptance… family in the proper sense”

Would you like to be part of a group of people like this, who truly care about each other, sharing in life’s ups and downs and who share a reason to live?

What we want church to be like!

  • Friendly – A group of friendly people – a family and a community – not an institution!
  • Accepting – Whatever you think of yourself and your life so far – God welcomes you with open arms – and so do we!
  • Contemporary – using words, music and an informal style that connects with people today.
  • Spiritual – Not just a weekly service, but connecting with the spiritual hunger people have deep-down.
  • Life changing – Helping you deal with life’s daily issues, not just ‘religious matters’ – connecting with work, family life and the wider community.
  • Fun – Not just doing ‘serious’ stuff together, but sharing life!

Want to find out more?

  • Get in touch with us and, if you like, we can meet up for a coffee and a chat!
  • Think about doing an Alpha course to discover more about Jesus, or a Foundation Course to discover more about our church. We run these as needed – so if you’re interested, just ask!
  • Come and visit us one Sunday. Our meetings are informal and friendly – if you’re just curious about Jesus – you’re welcome! Many people who come to our services have never experienced being in a church before. We hope you feel comfortable to come back again and again as you discover more about God and what he means to you