Sunday Meetings

On Sundays we meet at 10:30am (to approx 12:00noon) at the Salvation Army Citadel in Acre Street, Stroud GL5 1DR

Please Note: There is extremely limited parking here, which will be reserved for Blue Badge holders only, so we respectively ask that instead of using the limited residents on street parking, everyone else parks in Parliament Street Car Park (just a 3 minute walk away via Nelson Street)

Sunday mornings are a great time for us to join together as a “family on a mission.” We express our thankfulness to God through worship – singing modern Christian songs, in prayer, reading the Bible, and experiencing the Holy Spirit as He meets with us in tangible ways.

The first part of the morning is spent with the whole church together, and then children from Year R to Year 6 are catered for in their own activities.

We believe in the teaching of God’s word, and most weeks there is a talk from one of our gifted speakers about the way in which the Bible and our faith can impact our lives and the community around us.

On the second Sunday of the month we share bread and wine together (often called Communion, the Lord’s Supper, or the Eucharist). This is a symbol of the sacrifice that Jesus made for all through His crucifixion, and through it we are united together as a church body with Him.

Our meetings conclude with tea, coffee, hot chocolate and biscuits, and plenty of time and space to socialise together and make new friends! The formal part of the meeting normally ends around 12 noon, with refreshments available until 12:30.