

Prayer is an essential part of the life of any church. As a church we are commited to pray for each other, our families and friends, our communities, our nation and the world.

We’re not sure exactly how, but we know that when we pray, God responds and things around us change. We have hundreds of testimonies about the way in which God has transformed lives through the power of prayer. God wants to have an intimate relationship with everyone – and wants to speak and listen to us all the time.

 Your Prayer Requests

We believe in a God who cares about you, and who answers prayer. If you have someone or something you would like us to pray for, please feel free to contact us via this link and we will ensure we pray about your request during one of our prayer meetings.

 Call To Prayer

As a church we make space in our Sunday morning meetings for people to receive prayer – for their health and wellbeing and also for God to release more of His gifts into their lives.

We also have times to pray together through the week, as well as encouraging prayer in our daily lives and through our Small Groups. Our prayer meetings are:

Fridays – 7.00am – at The Cross (our church offices)
Sundays – 10:10am – at The Salvation Army Citadel (prior to our Sunday morning meeting)