
Get Involved

If you’ve decided that Stroud Christian Fellowship is the right church for you then the best way to feel at home here is to get involved. We believe God’s church is a family and everyone has a part to play. We want to be a church where anyone can come, feel welcomed and accepted and find their way in at their own pace.

  • Come along to stuff we do together: Sunday Meetings, Discipleship Groups, Prayer Meetings, etc.
  • Get to know people in the church – Small Groups help to get to know people better, as well as developing your relationship with God amongst friends.
  • Find somewhere to serve – Jesus set a great example of servanthood and we encourage everyone to find a way that they practically join in with what the church is doing, as we seek to show God’s love to our friends, neighbours and community.
  • Pray for things that are happening – spiritual participation in church life!
  • Contribute financially – ask us for details about our church budget and priorities, and how to give. Jesus taught us to worship God with everything we have – including our money!

There are plenty of ways to get involved – so, as you’re ready, we’d love you to get involved!